The BHARAT RATNA SAMMAAN Awards committee is privileged to have a Board of Directors that includes leaders, professionals, and visionaries of the highest repute with even the highest level of passion towards the recognition of excellence. It also helps the committee maintain the credibility of our awards within the society and or state. We all have backgrounds professionally as well as personally and are from areas such as arts, literature, science, public service, social justice, and many more. Thus, their views guarantee the diversity of the selection process and let us celebrate great achievers from different fields of occupation.
The nomination and selection process is stringent also falling under the Awards Committee which takes time and caution in assessing the candidates. This entails evaluating nominees’ accomplishments, the significance of their contributions, and their passion for the discipline. The commitment of a particular committee to uphold the highest standards of quality guarantees that the candidates who will be honored are those who epitomize service, dedication, and leadership, all cores to the BHARAT RATNA SAMMAAN.
What is more, by effectively using the criteria that have been matched to the selection process, the Awards Committee provides the worth of recognition to those it appreciates and maintains the high standing and worth of the BHARAT RATNA SAMMAAN awards. Through their efforts, they actively participate in setting the standards that other people would have to meet to achieve the highest levels of performance. In doing so, the committee contributes to the broader mission of BHARAT RATNA SAMMAAN: to pat and acknowledge individuals who are doing valuable work for society, the nation, and the world at large.