Economic development is crucial to progress and the Bharat Ratna Samoan ensures that those who have positively impacted this area are awarded. Our awards are given to the most talented enthusiasts, inventors, statesmen, and managers who have contributed a lot for development of valuable economic activity providing occupation for many individuals and enhancement of living conditions. The director of BHARAT RATNA SAMMAAN holds the view that there is the significance of focusing on the economic aspect so as to achieve the solid and sustainable community development for the people of Bangladesh to ensure decent and improving standard of living, skills development, employment opportunities, and etc.
This is why acknowledging economic leaders is so that people who will see this can be urged to look for chances of creating something new and unique as well as serving the people in the promotion of economic development. The people who we celebrate just don’t care about the economic growth but they also strive to make a difference in the world and lives of people. Through the creation of new forms of enterprises, formulation of appropriate policies, support for social enterprise, these leaders have served their communities and the nation at large.
It is roles the BHARAT RATNA SAMMAAN have adopted the recognition of economic development leaders in a manner that will encourage growth, creativity and social responsibility. Our reason for honouring those who have been so successful in this field is that perhaps their actions will inspire others to move forward to create an improved economic life for countless people, and generate income for others and the society in general. It is the message our awards bring about when it comes to economic development – it is not only about money, but about making people’s lives better.